About Gastric Girl

My photo
Tomball, TX, United States
My name is Laurie. I'm 34 and I live in a suburb of Houston, TX. My life isn't super exciting or ultra dramatic, but I love it! My blogs are just a peek into my life as I know it. I'm quite random and have an opinion on everything, but I love everyone's aspect on things, even if I disagree. The world would be quite boring if not! :-)



Hello to all!
It's that time of the year that we reflect on everything we have to be thankful for.  It's so easy to get caught up with life and lose sight of what really matters!    
I am thankful for so many things - my health, my loved ones, my job (even though that's debatable at times), having so many virtual friends that I feel like I know personally, and the list goes on.
Thank YOU all for taking time out of your days for reading this little blog of mine.  
I hope you all have a very Happy Thanksgiving. :)



So sorry for not checking in lately..   Life has gotten in my way of blogging.. How dare!?  I really haven't been a model citizen lately.  I missed one Weight Watchers meeting (my first meeting missed), and I haven't been back since.  I do have good intentions, but when the morning comes, I am literally dragging myself out of bed.  That makes me get to work around 9 am, which means I have to stay until 5:30... which means that my meeting is already taking place by then.  I'm not making excuses for myself. I have no excuse.   But I'm also in one of those moods where I just don't care about counting points or watching what I eat. I'm not gorging by any means.  I'm just not scrutinizing every bite I am putting in my mouth.   I probably just needed a break, and I'm not going to beat myself up for it.
My launch party for my new Scentsy business was a success! I made my goal sales wise, and in my first 2 weeks, I made enough extra money to pay both the cable and the electricity bill!   And in the first 2 weeks of November, I have surpassed what I did in October, so my November electricity and cable will certainly be taken care of again! Wahoo! :)
Anyway, I just wanted to check in.  I will hopefully be out of my funky mood soon!    I'm sure a few extra days off next week will be a dramatic help! :)
Hope all is well with everyone.  I am working on catching up on blogs... just missing a day or two puts me totally behind!!
