About Gastric Girl

My photo
Tomball, TX, United States
My name is Laurie. I'm 34 and I live in a suburb of Houston, TX. My life isn't super exciting or ultra dramatic, but I love it! My blogs are just a peek into my life as I know it. I'm quite random and have an opinion on everything, but I love everyone's aspect on things, even if I disagree. The world would be quite boring if not! :-)



Well, yesterday I had my MRCP to check for pancreatitis.  I'm not sure if it will actually show anything since I'm not having a flare up... and the fact that I'm not positive it's pancreatitis - that may make it not show either, HA!
I hope to have the results tomorrow, but it's hard telling.
My surgery is four weeks from tomorrow.  I am looking forward to closing that little chapter in my life, that's for sure!!!
The weather here in Houston is crazy.   Last week, we got Friday off because we were expected to get 1-3 inches of snow, and lots of ice.  No snow for us, but lots of ice.  The next day, it was in the 60s outside!!  No wonder everyone is sick around here!  
Don't forget, I'm having a mystery hostess party!  Just click the link for more details!  We already have several entries going in, so we're off to a good start! Thanks for your participation, ladies!!
One of my dear friends is getting a new camera for her birthday next week, and I think we're going to take some photography classes together... awesome!!

Anyway, I just wanted to check in!!
Hope you all are doing well! :-)


A Healthier Plate said...

I hope your MRCP results turn out okay. Photography classes sounds like fun. I would like to do that someday:)

Falon said...

I love your get it fixed and move on attitude. Not a drop of self pity on this blog. Laurie- you're inspiring. Wishing you a speeeeddddyyyy recovery. HUGS!

Elena said...

Oh, my God I hope you are ok, the health is the most important.....

KrysTros said...

Hey Laurie, I hope everything is okay with you. I know you have surgery scheduled soon but I didn't know about being checked for pancreatitis. I hope everything is well and those photography classes are at the Tomball Library on Mar 11th and Mar 18th.

Anonymous said...

How your results turn out ok..

adipex diet pills said...

Good luck to you! I know, everything will be okay!!