About Gastric Girl

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Tomball, TX, United States
My name is Laurie. I'm 34 and I live in a suburb of Houston, TX. My life isn't super exciting or ultra dramatic, but I love it! My blogs are just a peek into my life as I know it. I'm quite random and have an opinion on everything, but I love everyone's aspect on things, even if I disagree. The world would be quite boring if not! :-)



Hello to all!
It's that time of the year that we reflect on everything we have to be thankful for.  It's so easy to get caught up with life and lose sight of what really matters!    
I am thankful for so many things - my health, my loved ones, my job (even though that's debatable at times), having so many virtual friends that I feel like I know personally, and the list goes on.
Thank YOU all for taking time out of your days for reading this little blog of mine.  
I hope you all have a very Happy Thanksgiving. :)

1 comment:

Nella said...

I think I have an ulcer..going for blood tests and then making my doc appt. Ive barely eaten in weeks and I have the most intense pain!
Kepe you posted!
Have you changed your diet drastically????