About Gastric Girl

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Tomball, TX, United States
My name is Laurie. I'm 34 and I live in a suburb of Houston, TX. My life isn't super exciting or ultra dramatic, but I love it! My blogs are just a peek into my life as I know it. I'm quite random and have an opinion on everything, but I love everyone's aspect on things, even if I disagree. The world would be quite boring if not! :-)


Getting Back to Basics

I've been having a lot of stomach aches lately, and I really think it's because I'm eating whatever I damn well please.. we all know that's not a good thing! So, I'm going to try to get back to basics and focus on protein, exercise, liquids, etc.
It's really hard being so far out and resisting temptations that are out there! The past few weeks I've been terrible... re-introducing diet coke back into my life.. having a beer... I even had a piece of chocolate cake yesterday. Yes, I paid for it, but why didn't I think before I put it in my mouth?! GEEZ!
Anyways - the scale this morning said 160.4, and my goal is to see the 150s this week. I've seen 160.4 before.. and even gone back up to 165, but haven't seen below... So I'm ready!! :)

I hope everyone had a nice weekend! I had one of my dear friends get engaged over the weekend.. I'm so excited for her! So, I may possibly be in 2 weddings this year.. that's motivation enough to try to get into better shape! :)

Well, it's just a quick blog today - wanted to check in, and declare that I'm making some changes! :) All of you hold me accountable! :)

I'm off today - I may take a little nap to try to get rid of my headache before going to the gym! :)

Hugs to all!



Kim H. said...

Hang in there - forgive yourself and move on... that's all we can do. It's a journey not a destination...

Oh my gosh - why don't I listen to my own advice, EVER?

Anonymous said...

The fact alone that you are addressing the issue is a step in the right direction...

Love and spatulas to you girlface!


Heather said...

I think you're doing great! We all have to have our little "set-backs" and they help us to realize where we want to be AND where we don't want to be (my own personal opinion, of course). These set-backs will make us stronger.

As Jil said, the fact that you're address the issue means that you're a step in the right direction.

Keep your spirits high! You've come so far and you're doing fabulously!!

Anonymous said...

Just found out what was going on from Jil's blog! I'm praying for you!