About Gastric Girl

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Tomball, TX, United States
My name is Laurie. I'm 34 and I live in a suburb of Houston, TX. My life isn't super exciting or ultra dramatic, but I love it! My blogs are just a peek into my life as I know it. I'm quite random and have an opinion on everything, but I love everyone's aspect on things, even if I disagree. The world would be quite boring if not! :-)


Stir Crazy!

Well, I've been home all week, and it's simply maddening! I've been alternating between reading, playing World of Warcraft, and sleeping. Wow, fun stuff huh!?

Within 5 minutes of getting home from the hospital last Friday, I hopped on the scale (yes, I know I'm a freak!). I had gone up to 169.6 from around 163 or so. WOW! I thought I would have lost lots of weight b/c of not eating for several days, etc. Well, things are progressing again, and I'm down to an all time low of 155.6. So, drum roll... I am HALF the girl I used to be. It's crazy.. unreal! And the sad thing is, I still see fat girl in the mirror. I don't know how to make her go away. Any one have any ideas?

I can't go to the gym for awhile. I told John I overdid it yesterday, and he almost freaked b/c he thought I went to the gym.. but I just overdid it in general with trying to declutter my room. I pulled a muscle in my NECK of all places... wtf?! I am going to buy a bike very soon. I osld my recumbent bike and made $200 on it. So that's going to the REAL bike fund. Bikers, i am thinking of getting a TREK bike, a hybrid. Is it really a good investment? I haven't ridden a bike in years, but I am one of those people who want the best.. Or am I being foolish, and should just get a Schwinn?

Sorry again for the rambling nonsense... I'm good at that! :)
Oh, if anyone uses Facebook, feel free to add me! laurie9797@yahoo.com is the email it's linked to.
Hugs to all!


jimpurdy1943@yahoo.com said...

You said:
"I'm down to an all time low of 155.6. So, drum roll... I am HALF the girl I used to be."

Wow! Great! Congratulations.

(Just don't lose half of what's left.)

Janine said...

OMG - I play WOW as well!!! What server do you play on? I used to play on Malfurion and then switched to an oceanic server.

Feel free to email me your toon name and server details and I will pop on and chat sometime. (create a new toon)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE that your surgery was in 07 and you're still losing--hope for us all! :)

oh my gawd, YES, buy the Trek!!! I've been riding by 7.2 FX since summer and that thing the THE BOMB. Now I'm saving for a Madone. Buy the Trek. TOTALLY BUY THE TREK!!!

Kim H. said...

I know it's hard in the moment, but the free time to rest and recover will be gone soon... try to enjoy some of it! Make John pamper you ;-)