...to hold my eyes open! I have no idea why, but I have been so freaking exhausted lately! Well, I know why... Caffeine detoxing (not to go completely off of it, but to cut back), not getting enough sleep, stress at work, etc..
Last night, my work had a happy hour to say goodbye to one of our longtime employees who just quit.. she was actually the person that hired me! I was a good girl and had 1/5 of a Bloody Mary (I would have had more but it was so freakin strong!) and a few quesadilla pieces... I looked it all up on my WW etools and "charged" myself 8 points... well within my point allowance for the day. Prior to gastric bypass surgery, I would have had several drinks, but that 1/5 of a drink got me a little loopy.. ha! I only stayed an hour because I didn't want to overeat or overdrink and I had an hour long drive ahead of me... I fully intended to go home and take the dogs out and then head to the gym, but instead I just changed and went to bed. I just didn't feel good, and I couldn't explain what was wrong with me besides having a slightly sore throat and being 100% exhausted. John was a little worried about me because in the whole time we've lived together, I have NEVER gone straight to bed, even when I'm sick. Well, I still had trouble waking up this morning. I did make it to work for 7 am, but it was tough!!
Wow, this post has absolutely no rhyme or reason.. ha!
Anyway - today is my weigh in day at WW. I am a little worried, but if you've been reading me long, you would probably use neurotic as one of the words to describe me. I did go over my points on the weekend, but I did not go over my weekly allotment so I SHOULD be in decent shape.. Hopefully the scale gods will be on my side this evening... I'll give you an update tomorrow!!
A little look into my life.. Finding myself after having gastric bypass surgery, and the ups and downs along the way.
About Gastric Girl

- Laurie (TheSafestScents.com)
- Tomball, TX, United States
- My name is Laurie. I'm 34 and I live in a suburb of Houston, TX. My life isn't super exciting or ultra dramatic, but I love it! My blogs are just a peek into my life as I know it. I'm quite random and have an opinion on everything, but I love everyone's aspect on things, even if I disagree. The world would be quite boring if not! :-)
Good luck at your weigh-in, and great job tackling the eating & drinking out in public with grace and style!
Good luck tonight! I love my coffee....not sure I could give it up. lol
LOVE me some bloodies! love quesadillas! But would give up BOTH if I could keep my coffee. Good luck cutting down - and be aware of the withdrawal headaches. I've gone through several caffeine detoxes - had headaches for days.
Never would I describe you as neurotic. I think you're completely normal. But then again, coming from me - that should scare you. (giggles).
Detoxing - from anything - is a tough thing and it will definitely take it's toll on you. I think you're doing great and I CAN'T wait to hear about your success!!!!
Good luck tonight!! I am the same as you (unable to keep my eyes open) today, but that is because I went out and saw a movie last night instead of going home (like I should have). When will I learn I'm no longer 18 and can't survive on 5 hours of sleep??
Oh, I tagged you on my post today, check it out!!
I am wondering if this tiredness is just the time of year. I too am so tired that I seem to sleep much more than normal.
ha i love blogs that are scattered! i write them often. oh tired laurie- i hear ya. i haven't made my 5am alarm to run all week. it is still dark out, i just can't justify it! rest and maybe you won't need the toothpicks next week. xoxo
good luck! You look absolutely fantastic though!! Thanks for the tip about the celebrate vitamins. I've heard good things about them from others so I may try them. The citrical petite calcium citrate has taken care of the calcium problem thank god!
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