About Gastric Girl

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Tomball, TX, United States
My name is Laurie. I'm 34 and I live in a suburb of Houston, TX. My life isn't super exciting or ultra dramatic, but I love it! My blogs are just a peek into my life as I know it. I'm quite random and have an opinion on everything, but I love everyone's aspect on things, even if I disagree. The world would be quite boring if not! :-)


Three Day Weekends

Wahoo! I am so excited to have a three day weekend.. It's been a rough week, and from my earlier blog posts, an exhausting week. Thanks for everyone's input on their guesses on what could be the cause. I'm sure I don't have sleep apnea. I used to have it, but that has not been an issue. Iron deficiency and/or chronic fatigue is my guess for the culprit(s). I'm taking an iron supplement, and as far as the chronic fatigue syndrome goes, it's BS b/c you can't do anything about it. It pisses me off!

On another front, I have a confession to make. I have a stubborn intestinal ulcer that doesn't want to go away (since February), and I've had 2 gastroscopes to check it out. I was supposed to have an appointment two weeks ago which I rescheduled to today, which I again rescheduled to mid June. This appointment will schedule my next gastroscope. I want to wait a little longer for several reasons: 1) Money - it will cost me another $300+ for each scope that I have.. If I can delay this one a bit, maybe it will be the last one I need. 2) Fear Factor - If the pesky ulcer is still there, my doctor is going to speak to a surgeon to possibly have that part of my intestine removed. If that happens, I'd have to go on a liquid diet for 6-8 weeks while my intestine heals, and I will probably lose a grotesque amount of weight. That scares the crap out of me. Yeah, who would have thought that a once 315 pound girl would be scared to lose weight.. hell yeah, losing another 10 pounds would rock.. but more than that, and I may look freakish! I've already been told on a few occasions that I shouldn't try to lose anymore weight.. and that's not really my goal anymore. My goal is to become FIT and have stamina, and hopefully in turn I'll have some freakin energy!!! Anyway - that's my confession for the day.

As far as the weekend goes, Michelle is having a mini birthday party at a pub tonight, which will be tons of fun! Then Saturday, I am getting my hair cut and highlighted... and then John and I have a birthday party for his niece. His mom's birthday is next week too, so we'll probably celebrate that this weekend as well!

Also, my poor mom has computer issues right now, so hopefully John (who is in IT) can fix that this weekend before she goes crazy. She's a Facebook game freak, and is missing her games.. lol

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


Jil said...

what up weird-ho? (snicker, snicker)Just checking in to let you know I read ya...

I understand the ulcer fear...if it takes you a couple more weeks to work up the courage and you feel good in the meantime...then I think you are fine...

I am looking forward to the Pub action tonight as well...s'been awhile since I have done the live music thing. Wahoo...for Michelle's birthday! I go her some cute birthday loot as well..

See ya tonight girlface!


Sparkler said...

Hi Laurie,

Don't leave it too long to get that gastrascope. I'm just a bit worried, do you think the ulcer could be bleeding, this might cause you to be low in iron. Perhaps see what your doc thinks?

Sorry not trying to put the frighteners on you or anything...I'm sure you'll be fine, but please do check it out. xx

DL White said...

Stopping by from Healthy You!

I hope your appointment doesn't end in surgery... but there's no way through it but to do it!

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

Hope your ulcer is gone, but you definitely should get it checked! I got checked for sensitivities and now avoid gluten, dairy and corn. It definitely makes a difference in the way I feel. Hope you get it figured out. Keep making healthy choices. You've done an awesome job.
Path to Health

Chibi said...

I understand the fear (and money!) aspect. As Jil said, as long as you're feeling good, cool. Just don't put your health on hold for too long, okay? :)