Well, it's Monday, but I am glad to be at work to recover from my weekend! LOL I love that new puppy of ours, but OMG he is such a handful. He will bite and chew on absolutely anything he can get his mouth around - and if he can't, he'll keep trying. Gotta give him props for trying to eat my elbow! LOL
Don't tell John I'm showing this to you guys! hahah! Even John's toosh isn't off limits as far as this pup is concerned!!
Besides puppy exhaustion, my weekend was great.. Saturday morning, I met one of my girlfriends up at the gym and did my Muscle Blast class.. I'm still quite sore.. My rump and my hams hurt.. lol They changed the format a bit since I last went, and we now use the Reebok balance board... holy crap, that is tough! I can barely stand on my own let alone lifting weights while balancing my core. The instructor said, "You may not feel it now, but you will!"... and damn, she was not lying! Even my ankles are sore.. It's a good thing though.. I needed to get back into the groove!
Over the weekend I also finished up my Eclipse novella... it was a short little book, but I enjoyed it.. and now I'm reading another book.. Nothing to help enhance my self discovery.. just plain old entertainment.. which I need right now anyways since Glee is over for the season, as are any other shows that I'm watching. I'm trying to stay off the computer once I get home since I have a habit of parking my ass in front of it if I start... nope, don't need that!!
Sunday, Jil, John and I had an early breakfast at a crepe cafe... OMG that place is delish! Then, John took off for work, and Jil and I hit the Farmer's Market and then split some fajitas for 1 at a Mexican restaurant that we had never gone to. It was delish... we had lots of leftovers, so when we got home, John had lunch too! HA!
TOMORROW - I am going back to my gastroenterologist..... The appointment that I've been putting off for a little over two months now. I will end up scheduling my next camera test tomorrow to see if that pesky ulcer is still hanging out in my intestine. I haven't had any pain from it, but I wasn't last camera test either. I have to take a day off of work, but it won't be enjoyable since I will be coming out of my anesthesia drunkenness.. blah!
Anyways... back to work for me... It's one of my half day weeks, and with a doctor's appointment, it's going to be a LONG 4 days! ick!
Happy Monday to all! :)
A little look into my life.. Finding myself after having gastric bypass surgery, and the ups and downs along the way.
About Gastric Girl

- Laurie (TheSafestScents.com)
- Tomball, TX, United States
- My name is Laurie. I'm 34 and I live in a suburb of Houston, TX. My life isn't super exciting or ultra dramatic, but I love it! My blogs are just a peek into my life as I know it. I'm quite random and have an opinion on everything, but I love everyone's aspect on things, even if I disagree. The world would be quite boring if not! :-)
What a great weekend! Feeling the burn! It's not so fun to get back into it, but once you're there, it's good - right?
I'm so glad you have Jil. Sounds like you ladies know how to have a good time. Crepes & fajitas? My kind of girls!
I will be praying that the pesky ulcer is gone for good. Enjoy the drunkeness. :-)
I know the feeling about needing a break from the weekend to recover. Not about this weekend, unfortunately but I've definitely been there, done that. Hoping you get on ok at the doctor!
THANK YOU for your sweet and wonderful comment on my blog today!!! HILARIOUS I won't tell John about the photo and you won't tell V bout the bounce! heehee!
I hope you do not have an ulcer!
I am going to my body blast class wednesday,I'm getting back in the game!
Have a pretty day!
So the Novella was good? It was the Bree Tanner one right? I noticed it's available online to read. I might try reading some each night when I get home. A friend of mine bought it so I might borrow it when she is done. Are you excited about the movie coming out? They have released so many clips on YouTube it's like they are practically showing the whole movie before it comes out!!
Have a great day!!
So glad Jil has you nearby with her hubby gone so often! I keep begging her to come visit me!
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